To make shopping with us truly risk-free for you, we adhere to the principle of the "Money Back Guarantee". We understand that you do not have the opportunity to inspect the goods we offer in advance. You may make a mistake and receive goods that you really have absolutely no use for.

If you find immediately after receiving the goods that they do not suit you for any reason, you have the option to return them without giving any reason and you will be sent the money back immediately, by bank transfer or bank transfer.

As a condition of the refund:

Only the goods are refunded, not the postage and handling. Goods sent back by cash on delivery will not be accepted.

Send the goods to the address:
PILECKÝ s.r.o.
Mokrovraty 177
262 03 Nový Knín

Important note: This service applies only to the Czech Republic.

Please also inform us if you receive a damaged parcel. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the error-free delivery of the shipping service, but we also deal with these claims.

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